Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Snow, Apple Picking, and Sunset at The Castle.

The school and most of the city is in a valley. The snow here has melted since the first snow, but away from the city there still some visible. Last weekend I went apple picking and although it was wet and rainy at the school, there was snow on the ground at the orchard.

More and more of the mountains surrounding the city have snow on them. Below are photos from different perspectives. In the first photo below, the mountain on the right has a tiny hat of clouds.

Mt. Bandai a big mountain in Fukushima. I think that it is the mountain to the right in the photos above. Below is a print depicting its 1888 eruption. I hope it doesn't erupt again!

Yesterday I was near Tsuruga castle at 4:30, when the sun sets. Below, you can see the sunlight reflecting off of the new snow on the mountains, as well as some other sights from the castle in the evening.