Saturday, May 28, 2016


At the end of my semester break from school, I traveled to Hiroshima with my cousin. There were a lot of interesting things in the city. Pictured above and below are is the Atomic Bomb Dome. This building was near the center of the explosion from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Because of its location, the force of the explosion left it standing, so today it is a memorial to the people killed by the bomb.

Nearby the dome there were books with pictures and news clippings in different languages, as well as some volunteers and many tourists like myself.

Hiroshima has a lot of different things to see. There is a Peace Memorial Museum and a large garden with many statues and monuments. Pictured above and below is the rebuilt Hiroshima Castle.

From the top of the castle I could see many cherry blossoms.

Near the castle there was a small trail. Along the trail some people had stopped to have picnics. In Japan there is an activity called Hanami, literally flower viewing. Hanami today usually is a picnic or party under the cherry blossoms.

At the end of my time at the castle I saw a couple posing for photographs beneath the castle.