Thursday, June 30, 2016

360 Degree Picture at a Ramen Restaurant

Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

This past week I got to go to Tokyo again for a school related expo. My professor and some of my classmates all visited my favorite spicy ramen store, Kikanbo Spicy Ramen, in Tokyo, and my professor took this picture with his 360 degree camera before we ate.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Assorted Pictures

The last few weeks have been busy for me. Recently I finished a semester of classes at the university, and began working. Since I took a trip to Minamiaizu with my girlfriend a few weeks ago, I haven't got to do any traveling. In this post I have some pictures that I took but didn't get to post before

The cat pictured above and below was one that lived at a hostel in Osaka. Every day this cat would hang out in front of the hotel.

This is a picture of one of the bushes on campus. For the first part of my time in Aizu I thought that it was just an ordinary bush. This week the bushes bloomed and were very pretty.

These are two meals I had recently. The picture above is a set meal from the school cafeteria, and the dish below is a black sesame ramen dish.

Everything has become more green since I last posted pictures of Aizu. The picture above is of some rice fields near my campus. The picture below is not from Japan, it was sent to me by my family. Pictured are my father and the dog.

Lastly, these are some pictures from an imported foods store. Snyders pretzels and Doritos are both things I haven't had in a long time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cat Cafe

One time in Tokyo I went to a small cat cafe. For about $6 I was able to sit in a room with a bunch of cats for an hour. The cats were nice, but many of them seemed only interested in sleeping.

I was a little disappointed with the cafe, but afterwards I had a very good tempura lunch.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Weekend Trip to Minamiaizu

A few weeks ago I took a weekend trip to a city south of Aizu with my girlfriend. We took a special sightseeing train, and got to sit in a train car with tatami seats. Pictured above is the train, and below is the interior of the train car we rode in.

The route that the train took was very pretty. We passed through several tunnels, and over many bridges.

Occasionally during the trip the train would stop in the middle of bridges so we could look outside. The line went through the mountains and over pretty rivers.

The train would also stop at some of the stations for a short time, and let the passengers get out and walk around. Above is a picture of one of the platforms. Below is a picture of a public bath attached to one of the stations. Here passengers can put their legs into the hot water while they wait for their train.

Me and my girlfriend only took the train to Minamiaizu, but it is possible to ride further south all the way to Tokyo. In Minamiaizu we went to a bakery, a museum, and a small shrine. There were many more things to see, so I hope go to back again.